Thats a very good point your making Greedawn, all of the encompassing rules and regulations are not put forth and made apparent to the newly interested ones. They get the big welcoming
smiles and did you know that we are god's only true religion on earth at present and did you know that god is soon to destroy this wicked system of things at Armageddon and turn this earth
back to Paradise where we can live forever, now would you like to join us to live in Paradise or would you rather be destroyed by the hands of Jehovah. This is how the first hook is set to
the newly interested ones that are just starting to study with the witnesses, the so called spiritually guided and intrusive set of rules comes a long way down the indoctrination and
unfortunately catches many unwilling off guard. Whether people realize it or not there is a carefully devised and strategic marketing strategy going on here. As far as the dfing policy
that is in place I think some men want to impress themselves and others that they really do have the power of god in their hands and dfing someone is just that vehicle to prove that point.
For example my nephew was dfed last year for touching his girlfriend's private parts. and even I thought that was an extreme abuse of power, I kept on wondering at the time how many
men on that JC had probably did the very same thing with their girlfriends before they were married. But I guess power is power after all and isn't that really the main reason that men
start religions in the first place,.............. oh ya I forgot to sell stuff